Viralgenie uses a multitude of databases in order to analyze reads, contigs, and consensus constructs. The default databases will be sufficient in most cases but there are always exceptions. This document will guide you towards the right documentation location for creating your custom databases.
Keep an eye out for nf-core createtaxdb as it can be used for the customization of the main databases but the pipeline is still under development.
Reference pool
The reference pool dataset is used to identify potential references for scaffolding. It's a fasta file that will be used to make a blast database within the pipeline. The default database is the clustered Reference Viral DataBase (C-RVDB) a database that was built for enhancing virus detection using high-throughput/next-generation sequencing (HTS/NGS) technologies. An alternative reference pool is the Virosaurus database which is a manually curated database of viral genomes.
Any nucleotide fasta file will do. Specify it with the parameter --reference_pool
The Kaiju database will be used to classify the reads and intermediate contigs in taxonomic groups. The default database is the RVDB-prot pre-built database from Kaiju.
A number of Kaiju pre-built indexes for reference datasets are maintained by the developers of Kaiju and made available on the Kaiju website. To build a Kaiju database, you need three components: a FASTA file with the protein sequences, the NCBI taxonomy dump files, and you need to define the uppercase characters of the standard 20 amino acids you wish to include.
The headers of the protein fasta file must be numeric NCBI taxon identifiers of the protein sequences.
To download the NCBI taxonomy files, please run the following commands:
To build the database, run the following command (the contents of taxdump must be in the same location where you run the command):
You can speed up database construction by supplying the threads parameter (-t
Expected files in database directory
For the Kaiju database construction documentation, see here.
Kraken2 databases
The Kraken2 database will be used to classify the reads and intermediate contigs in taxonomic groups.
A number of database indexes have already been generated and maintained by @BenLangmead Lab, see here. These databases can directly be used to run the workflow with Kraken2 as well as Bracken.
In case the databases above do not contain your desired libraries, you can build a custom Kraken2 database. This requires two components: a taxonomy (consisting of names.dmp
, nodes.dmp
, and *accession2taxid
) files, and the FASTA files you wish to include.
To pull the NCBI taxonomy, you can run the following:
You can then add your FASTA files with the following build command.
You can repeat this step multiple times to iteratively add more genomes prior to building.
Once all genomes are added to the library, you can build the database (and optionally clean it up):
You can then add the <YOUR_DB_NAME>/
path to your nf-core/taxprofiler database input sheet.
Expected files in database directory
You can follow the Kraken2 tutorial for a more detailed description.
Host read removal
Viralgenie uses Kraken2 to remove contaminated reads.
The reason why we use Kraken2 for host removal over regular read mappers is nicely explained in the following papers:
The contamination database is likely the largest database. The default databases are made small explicitly to save storage for end users but are not optimal. I would recommend creating a database consisting of the libraries human, archaea, bacteria
which will be more than 200GB in size. Additionally, it's good practice to include DNA & RNA of the host of origin if known (i.e. mice, ticks, mosquito, ... ). Add it as described above.
Set it with the variable --host_k2_db
Viral Diversity with Kraken2
The metagenomic diversity estimated with Kraken2 is based on the viral refseq database which can cut short if you expect the species within your sample to have a large amount of diversity eg below 80% ANI (quasi-species). To resolve this it's better to create a database that contains a wider species diversity than only one genome per species. Databases that have this wider diversity are Virosaurus or the RVDB which can increase the accuracy of Kraken2. Add it as described above.
Set it with the variable --kraken2_db
Annotation sequences
Identifying the species and the segment of the final genome constructs is done based on a tblastx search (with MMSEQS) to an annotated sequencing dataset. This dataset is by default the Virosaurus as it contains a good representation of the viral genomes and is annotated.
This annotation database can be specified using --annotation_db
Creating a custom annotation dataset with BV-BRC
In case Virosaurus does not suffice your needs, a custom annotation dataset can be made. Creating a custom annotation dataset can easily be done as long as the annotation data is in the fasta header using this format: (key)=(value)
or (key):(value)
. For example, the following fasta headers are both valid:
>754189.6 species="Ungulate tetraparvovirus 3"|segment="nan"|host_common_name="Pig"|genbank_accessions="NC_038883"|taxon_id="754189"
>NC_001731; usual name=Molluscum contagiosum virus; clinical level=SPECIES; clinical typing=unknown; species=Molluscum contagiosum virus; taxid=10279; acronym=MOCV; nucleic acid=DNA; circular=N; segment=N/A; host=Human,Vertebrate;
An easy-to-use public database with a lot of metadata is BV-BRC. Sequences can be extracted using their CLI-tool and linked to their metadata
Here we select all viral genomes that are not lab reassortments and are reference genomes and add metadata attributes to the output.
This is an example, in case you need to have a more elaborate dataset than Virosaurus, be more inclusive towards your taxa of interest and include more metadata attributes.
# download annotation metadata +/- 5s
p3-all-genomes --eq superkingdom,Viruses --eq reference_genome,Reference --ne host_common_name,'Lab reassortment' --attr genome_id,species,segment,genome_name,genome_length,host_common_name,genbank_accessions,taxon_id > all-virus-anno.txt
# download genome data, done separately as it takes much longer to query +/- 1 hour
p3-all-genomes --eq superkingdom,Viruses --eq reference_genome,Reference --ne host_common_name,'Lab reassortment' | p3-get-genome-contigs --attr sequence > all-virus.fasta
Any attribute can be downloaded and will be added to the final report if the formatting remains the same.
For a complete list of attributes see p3-all-genomes --fields
or read their manual
Next, the metadata and the genomic data are combined into a single fasta file where the metadata fields are stored in the fasta comment as key1="value1"|key2="value2"|...
using the following python code.
import pandas as pd
import re
# read in sequences with all columns as strings
sequences = pd.read_csv("refseq-virus.fasta", index_col=0, sep="\t", dtype=str)
data = pd.read_csv("refseq-virus-anno.txt", index_col=0, sep="\t", dtype=str)
# merge the df's
df = sequences.join(data)
# remove 'genome' from the name
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace("genome.", "")
# create fasta header
def create_fasta_header(row):
annotations = ";".join(
for column, value in row.items()
if column != "contig.sequence"
return f"{annotations}\n"
df["fasta_header"] = df.apply(create_fasta_header, axis=1)
df["fasta_entry"] = (
">" + df.index.astype(str) + " " + df["fasta_header"] + df["contig.sequence"]
with open("bv-brc-refvirus-anno.fasta", "w") as f:
for entry in df["fasta_entry"]:
f.write(entry + "\n")
Expected files in database directory